Friday, April 29, 2011

Passé Composé

J'ai joué american football
J'ai joué basketball
J'ai joué baseball
J'ai joué soccer
J'ai joué golf
J'ai nagé
J'ai travaillé Florida
J'ai regardé Télé
J'ai mangé la glace
J'ai mangé sandwhich

Picture by - Anthony Sanchez

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mambo was here

This post is not an assignment, but a lesson. People can post whatever they want when you dont log off your blogger. Daniel berg, I'm teachin u a lesson son. Next time u forget to log off of your blogger it's game over. Your first warning is over

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Julia compared to Julie

Julia Child's started out as a horrible cook. She went to a cooking school and became the teacher of it. She was a great cook who wanted to write a book. Some publishing companies thought her book was a waste of time but one agreed to do it and came up with the title of "Mastering The Art of French Cooking."

Julie is a normal person with a normal job and she loves to cook. She takes Julia's book and cooks every recipe in a year.

Julie and Julia are connected through cooking and food.